Here is us top 5 of things to do in Madeira and places you should visit
Here is us top 5 of things to do in Madeira and places you should visit
One of the first things to do in Madeira should be visiting Pico Ruivo. With its 1862 metres, Pico Ruivo is the highest point in the island of Madeira and the third highest peak in Portugal, after Ponta do Pico (in the Azores) and Torre (Serra da Estrela).
To get to Pico Ruivo you’ll have to take a walking route. Our suggestion is that you take the one connecting Achada do Teixeira to Pico Ruivo (2,8 km). You should take this walking route because it’s easy and because you’ll have the opportunity to admire the landscape and even get close to the sky.
Although this path is accessible to everyone, you’ll have to climb 300 metres from the starting point (Achada do Teixeira) and Pico Ruivo – on average, it takes 1h30m to conclude this route. Don’t hesitate to stop whenever you want to take some photos of this wonderful walking route.
Câmara de Lobos is a small and picturesque village located in the southern part of the island of Madeira, 8 km from Funchal.
Here you will discover a photogenic historic centre with its beautiful and colourful fishing boats, and, just outside of the village, you’ll find one of the tallest cliffs in Europe, Cabo Girão.
With a height of 580 metres, Cabo Girão will offer you an amazing view over the surroundings.
You can also test your limits on a suspended glass platform (Skywalk), where you’ll be able to see beneath your feet Fajã do Cabo Girão and the sea.
Ponta de São Lourenço is a place very different from the rest of the island. You’ll find a wild peninsula with underbrush, where trees are inexistent (except for some palm trees). A beautiful 8 km (total, both ways) walking path will give you the opportunity to stroll through the astonishing Ponta de São Lourenço.
Curral das Freiras is a small village at the valley of several mountains with the particularity of having been secluded from the rest of the world up until 1959 – it was when the first road connecting the village to the rest of the island was built.
When you look up, you’ll feel like an insect at the bottom of those amazing volcanic mountains.
Information: Don’t forget to taste the local gastronomy – sour cherry liqueur and chestnut soup.
You can also admire Curral das Freiras from Eira do Serrado Viewpoint, that offers you the most amazing view over this place and the 6 surrounding moutains.
Porto Moniz is a small village located northwest of the island, famous for its natural volcanic pools, much appreciated by tourists. After a swim, you should visit the Fort of São João Batista (1730) where you’ll find the small Madeira Aquarium.
Copyright © 2018-2022 Welcome Madeira. All rights reserved
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